Madeline Gins was born and raised in New York City. She is a graduate of Barnard where she studied painting, physics, and English. Her previous books include Word Rain (New York: Grossman, 1969) and Intend (Italy: Tau/ma 5, 1973.) Madeline Gins met her partner, the artist Arakawa, in 1963. Together, they founded the Architectural Body Research Foundation. They have designed and built residences (Reversible Destiny Lofts – Mitaka, Bioscleave House, Shidami Resource Recycling Model House) and parks (Site of Reversible Destiny-Yoro). They have developed an original theory and practice of the relation of the human being to the exterior world, elaborated most extensively in their book Architectural Body. Arakawa and Gins are, together and separately, the authors of several books and exhibition volumes, most recently Making Dying Illegal.

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